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4 posters

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-05-03

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Empty NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application

    Post  NetheAce Sun May 03, 2009 7:49 pm

    Real life name: Randy

    Name you want to be called by: Randy / NetheAce

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Location/Timezone: California, PST

    Time spent online: On weekdays, I am on from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm. On weekends, I am on for at least 4-7hours.

    Applying for: (In-game GM/Forum moderator/Web desginer/Graphic designer/Coder): In-game GM and Graphic Designer

    IGN(s) (If any): NetheAce

    Reason to join the team/Why you should be chosen: I should be chosen as being part of the AceStory team because I am exceedingly competent in handling the position as an “In-Game GM and/or a Graphic Designer”. Many of my works are cherished sincerely and my reliability can be trusted with much confidence. I have the determination to thrive and my main goal is to form a harmonized community throughout all of AceStory. My patience can be handled accordingly and tracking down pessimistic members will be my pleasure. As an “In-Game GM”, I will take action when the community is in much threat and I will assist those that are in need of help. I am well-aware of the hacking-issues that are going on through server-to-server, and I am, in fact, ready for this challenge. When I am ever called upon, no time will be needed for my assistance, for I am always prepared for an assistance of my help. I will work my way in becoming a remembered GM and I will strive my way forth in finishing out my commitment in creating a harmonized and fulfilling community. Having much power entails persistence, courage, patience, and most of all, reliability. As you all know, much power requires much responsibility.

    What you think you can do: As an “In-Game GM”, I can perform numerous tasks that can benefit the server and community, such as:

    • Advertise
    • Donate
    • Create banners/signatures
    • Enhance websites
    • Help those that are in need of help
    • Create guides for the ease of our players
    • Be Active
    • Create a better and fulfilling community
    • Vote

    Unique Talents: I have been a GM on several servers during the past months and everything went well. Sadly, Lloyd took down the servers... My most recent activity as a GM was within the server "StoryOfLOve" (which got shut down). I know most of the GM commands by heart and I am very creative about events. Many of my friends see me as a compatible and friendly GM. During troublesome days, I am always ready to take action and I am committed to the community. As a Graphic Designer, I can create many marvelous styles that the majority of you may seem to be amused of. I have not yet found a program that enhances me to create animated banners without the improper use of causing the whole picture to become blurry. Within server through server, many of the admin's and moderators enjoyed the usage of my crafty banners and loved it right away. If I am not considered "GFX Artist-Material", I am more than happy to become an assistant as well.

    Recent signatures that I have created:

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Banned25

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Banned26

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Banned28

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Banned29

    Event Ideas:

    JumpQuest Event: You send a certain amount of players into any sort of Jump Quest location. In there, the staff may summon more monsters to increase the challenges. After the jump quest is over, we give out the prizes according to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

    True/False Event: You warp a certain amount of players to a map that has 2 opposing sides. One side is true and one side is false. You will then tell them to all go to the middle. Then you ask them a random question and they either have to go right (true) or left (false). Also, there is a limited amount of time to think and choose your side. After the time is up, kill all the users and the last person standing wins.

    Hide and Seek Event: We GM's get to use the skill "hide" and we give out hints to the users that wants to play. After finding the amount of players joining, we send out notices that inform the players about the hiding locations. We will give out about 3-5 details about our surroundings and the first player to find us and say "found you!" wins.

    Twin Event: You get a certain amount of players to dress up as twins and tell them to dress up with a certain look. After waiting for about 10 minutes, you will now announce the winners by choosing the most extravagant twins.

    What Would I do If I saw Someone Hacking (1st, 2nd, 3rd time) Obviously, I would first ask the admin for the rules of the server. I will not just ban the person right away without permission because I do not have the authority too. If I seen someone hacking for the first time, I would usually tell them to stop. After a certain amount of time, I would start tracking him/her down until I’ve seen that he/she has stopped hacking. But, if they still continue to hack, there is no point for me to let them get away this time. I would ban them and tell our staffs the reason why the person needed to be banned.

    Personal Information: My name is Randy and I am 15 years old. I live in California and I am Asian. I spend most of my time using the computer, doing homework, and exercising. I have played MapleStory for about 2 years now and I have played private servers for about 3 months. Most of my talent involves creating banners/signatures and helping others that are in need of assistant.

    Pledge: I, Randy, here by pursue the rules of terms and usage for the AceStory community. I will always be committed to the community and I will assist those that are in need of help throughout my game play. I will use my powers accordingly and I will not abuse it. For if I abuse my powers, I here by agree the removal of my authority.

    Contact information (Email/AIM/MSN): You may contact me through the following information:
    AIM: AimAtRandy
    Private Message me

    P.S. Feel free to comment on my application and leave any type of opinion based on your honest thoughts. No flaming will be necessary. Thank You!


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2009-04-28

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Empty Re: NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application

    Post  Abbie! Sun May 03, 2009 7:52 pm

    You haven't been playing long and you haven't followed the format, but gl anyways.

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2009-05-02

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Empty Re: NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application

    Post  denniox Sun May 03, 2009 8:39 pm

    good job love the event ideas
    and nice work on the gfx

    Posts : 246
    Join date : 2009-04-27

    NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application Empty Re: NetheAce's GM / GFX Artist Application

    Post  MidniteWhite Sun May 03, 2009 9:50 pm

    Clearly copied and pasted.
    Please use our format.
    If you'd like to reply you may, but I won't accept people who don't use the format.

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